Policy and Research: Reports and Resources

Using an evidence based approach, the NWRA advocates for the development of the Northern and Western Region of Ireland.

A part of this advocacy role, the NWRA develops research publications, economic briefing notes and policy submissions which aim to inform national, regional and local policymakers of the challenges and opportunities facing the Northern and Western Region of Ireland and to support the implementation of “Regional Policy Objectives” within the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy.

Regional Infrastructure Tracker

July 2024

The Northern and Western Regional Assembly (NWRA) is urging the government to fast-track the delivery of 13 major infrastructure projects in the Northern and Western Region of Ireland after a new study from the Assembly found that the region is now on par with the least well-off areas of Europe in terms of infrastructure.

The “Regional Infrastructure Tracker” found that investment in areas such as transport, education, housing and energy infrastructure in the Northern and Western Region is below that of its counterparts in Ireland, with the region’s transport infrastructure ranked the 218th out of 234 NUTS 2 Regions examined in the European Commission’s Regional Competitiveness Index.

Regional Economic Briefing Note on Regional Housing Activity

February 2024

The Northern and Western Regional Assembly has released its latest “Regional Economic Briefing Note”, with this edition focusing on 2023 data regarding new dwelling completions (CSO) and new commencement notices (Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage).

The purpose of the “Regional Economic Briefing Notes” is to provide stakeholders in the Northern and Western Region of Ireland with a brief update on the latest and key data releases related to the region.

Regional Economic Briefing Note on Annual Employment Survey

May 2023

The Annual Employment Survey from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE) provides an analysis of employment levels in industrial and service companies under the remit of IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland and Údarás na Gaeltachta, with the 2022 survey examining employment trends in these companies over the latest 10-year period from 2013 to 2022.

Regional Economic Briefing Note on Regional Competitiveness Index

April 2023

The Northern and Western Regional Assembly has launched the 2nd edition of the “Regional Economic Briefing Notes”, with this edition providing a brief update on the European Commission’s 2022 “Regional Competitiveness Index”, which was recently released.

The purpose of the “Regional Economic Briefing Notes” will be to provide a short summary of the latest regional data releases on the most rural region under Project Ireland 2040 – namely the Northern and Western Region – and to stimulate more detailed discussions and policy interventions on regional development topics.

Regional Economic Briefing Note on Regional GDP Statistics

February 2023

The 1st edition of the Northern and Western Regional Assembly’s “Regional Economic Briefing Notes” focuses on the new Regional GDP figures from Eurostat.

The key findings are as follows:

  • The Border’s GDP per capita has dropped to 52% of the EU27 average, the lowest since records began.
  • The Border’s GDP per capita – as a % of the EU27 average – was notably lower than its previous peak of 98% in 2006.
  • In 2021, the Northern and Western Region’s GDP per capita was 83% of the EU27 average.

Regional EV Charge Point Analysis

October 2022

The lack of adequate electric vehicle (EV) charge point infrastructure in rural Ireland raises serious doubts about the government’s ability to deliver on the Climate Action Plan’s commitment to have almost one million EVs on Irish roads by 2030.

Research carried out by the Northern and Western Regional Assembly (NWRA) has examined the number of publicly available EV charge points for each county on the island of Ireland.

Key Findings:

  • Number of publicly available EV charge points notably low in rural counties
  • One million electric vehicles by 2030 not achievable without proper charging point infrastructure

Reimagining Regional Development

September 2022

Our Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) is our framework for both thinking about and planning for a successful and sustainable future for our Region.

The RSES has been crafted through extensive engagement and is being delivered in partnership with associates locally, regionally, nationally and at an EU level.

The Assembly is responsible for regional development, and for us, this means:

1. FUNDING: maximising investment in the right places
2. PLANNING: evidence-based policymaking
3. MONITORING: performance of the region
4. ADVOCATING: compact growth and connected communities
5. LEADING: climate action and biodiversity
6. INNOVATING: sustainable transport and environmental solutions

Economic Impact of the Atlantic Technological University

March 2022

New research from the Northern and Western Regional Assembly (NWRA) has confirmed the major contribution that the new Atlantic TU will make to Ireland’s economy, with the university expected to contribute €700 million in economic output and support just over 3,100 jobs per year.

Such an economic impact represents an improvement on previous estimates, as the Higher Education Institutes that will become the Atlantic TU have since contributed more to the Irish economy – in terms of operating expenditure and staff wages – with this economic impact expected to rise in the coming years.

Key findings:

  • Just over 3,100 jobs will be supported by the Atlantic Technological University (TU) per year.
  • The Atlantic TU will improve the educational offering and skills base of the Northern and Western Region
  • Just under 10 per cent of third level students in Ireland will be enrolled in the Atlantic TU

Regional Vacancy and Dereliction Analysis

January 2022

The Northern and Western Regional Assembly has prepared this “Regional Vacancy and Dereliction Analysis”.

It is an extensive regional evidence base which provides a coherent and consistent approach in the identification and monitoring of the scale of housing vacancy and dereliction in towns and villages within the Northern and Western Region. It identifies vacancy and dereliction hotspots and can help inform priority areas for the setting of actions, objectives, and targets to address vacancy and dereliction – implementing “Regional Policy Objective” 3.6 of the RSES.

Regional Co-Working Analysis

October 2020

More than one in four private sector workers in Ireland is capable of working remotely and the development of co-working hubs with high speed broadband has the potential to open up an array of economic and environmental opportunities and stimulate inclusive recovery in our regions, a new report shows.

The Regional Co-Working Analysis – which was prepared by the three Regional Assemblies of Ireland – found that 387,000 private sector workers are capable of operating remotely in Ireland; with just over 186,000 likely to be based in Dublin as of Q2 2020.

COVID-19 Regional Economic Analysis

May 2020

Having been considered one of the fastest growing economies in the European Union in recent years, the Irish economic landscape has profoundly changed due to the outbreak of Covid-19.

As per the latest estimates from the Department of Finance1, the Irish economy is now projected to decline by 10.5 per cent this year, unemployment is expected to rise to 22 per cent by the second quarter of 2020, while the public finances are expected to record a deficit of around €23 billion.

While it is clear that the Covid-19 outbreak will have a significant impact on Irelands economy, the degree to which this impact will be felt across Irelands regions, counties, cities and towns remains to be seen.

A Region in Transition: The Way Forward

November 2019

A study by the Northern and Western Regional Assembly says a policy of ‘positive discrimination’ is required to accelerate growth and stem decline in the north, west and border communities of Ireland.

The report ‘A Region in Transition: The Way Forward’ found startling levels of inequality in terms of investment across a number of key areas such as health, education, infrastructure and transport.

Failure to address these critical investment shortfalls means that a ‘two-speed economy’ has developed in Ireland.

Key Findings:

  • Investment in health infrastructure in the Northern and Western region is below the State average
  • Level of Third Level Infrastructure funding per undergraduate is significantly lower in the North and West (€141 compared to the national average of €197)
  • Region has much potential, but needs official policy of ‘positive discrimination’ across numerous areas to address the growing deficit

A part of this advocacy role, the NWRA develops research publications, economic briefing notes and policy submissions which aim to inform national, regional and local policymakers of the challenges and opportunities facing the Northern and Western Region of Ireland and to support the implementation of “Regional Policy Objectives” within the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy.

  • Regional Infrastructure Tracker (https://www.nwra.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/regional-investment-tracker-10-07-2024.pdf (July 2024)
  • Regional Economic Briefing Note on “Regional Housing Activity” (https://www.nwra.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/regional-economic-briefing-note-february-2024.pdf) (February 2024)
  • Regional Economic Briefing Note on “Annual Employment Survey” (PDF attached in email), (May 2023)
  • Regional Economic Briefing Note on “Regional Competitiveness Index” (https://www.nwra.ie/news/irelands-competitiveness-undermined-by-regional-infrastructure-deficits/) (April 2023)
  • Regional Economic Briefing Note on “Regional GDP Statistics” (https://www.nwra.ie/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/regional-economic-briefing-note-on-regional-gdp-data.pdf) (February 2023)
  • Regional EV Charge Point Analysis (https://www.nwra.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/regional-ev-charge-point-analysis-final-version-25102022.pdf) (October 2022)
  • Reimagining Regional Development (https://www.nwra.ie/news/reimagining-regional-development/) (September 2022)
  • Economic Impact of the Atlantic Technological University (https://www.nwra.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/atu-economic-impact-study-final-draft-25032022.pdf) (March 2022)
  • Regional Vacancy and Dereliction Analysis (https://www.nwra.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/regional-vacancy-and-dereliction-analysis-17012022.pdf) (January 2022)
  • Regional Co-Working Analysis (https://www.nwra.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/regional-co-working-analysis-22102020.pdf) (October 2020)
  • COVID-19 Regional Economic Analysis (https://www.nwra.ie/news/coronavirus-the-towns-most-economically-at-risk/) (May 2020)
  • A Region in Transition The Way Forward (https://www.nwra.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/region-in-transition-the-way-forward-final.pdf) (November 2019)

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