EU Green European Alliance

The NWRA in support of the Atlantic Technological University is a partner of a transnational alliance of nine European universities aiming to be ‘Your Gateway to Sustainability’. We are peripheral regionally-anchored, while globally oriented, that is why we are strategically aligned for engagement with all European regions.

Why We Are Here: We believe in the development of the empowerment, capabilities, opportunities, and cooperation of society for a better and more viable environment in the long run. We defend a fairer model based on the concept of distributed excellence.

How: We embrace a mission of actively doing good and placing societal responsibility at the heart of our mission as a guiding principle.. We aim to train citizens and to deliver research and innovation that contributes to the development of our local and/or regional ecosystems, thus providing answers to pressing challenges for society at large.

What We Do: We are creating a broad European educational area to strengthen and disseminate European values where sustainability is a transversal element.

If you would like to get in touch and learn more about EU Green and how it can be your gateway to sustainability please contact us by email ei.ut1738850306a@ycu1738850306l.sec1738850306narf1738850306 or Gerry Doyle Assistant Director NWRA.

Find out more about the EU Green Alliance and our other University Partners

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