EU Programme:

Interreg Europe

Interreg Europe helps regional and local governments across Europe to develop and deliver better policy, by creating an environment and opportunities for sharing solutions. The NWRA provide the contact point for INTERREG Europe in the Northern and Western Region of Ireland.

Interreg Europe is an EU co-funded interregional cooperation programme, under European Territorial Cooperation, running from 2021-27.

The Programme has a budget of €379 million, it supports the exchange of good practices and policy learning among European regions in 29 countries – the EU27, Norway and Switzerland. The co-financing rate for public partners is up to 80%.

Programme Summary

Interreg Europe funds partnerships made up of policy-relevant organisations from different countries in Europe which work together for 4 years to exchange experience on a shared regional development issue. It also funds a Policy Learning Platform which is a space where the European policy-making community can tap into the know-how of regional policy experts and peers.

Organisations eligible for funding include:

  • National, regional, or local public authorities
  • Institutions governed by public law
  • Private non-profit bodies.

Our Interreg Europe Projects


The project will examine the possibilities and potential of inter-regional cooperation in order to modernise and streamline the operation of local governments.


Enhancing the capacity of regional authorities to design and implement better regional policies supporting innovative industrial regeneration based on local identity.


The GREENHEALTH project aims to make EU regions more biodiversity-resilient by improving the management of European Protected Areas.


Increasing social acceptance for wind energy in EU regions through environmental and community based planning.

Further information

Further information on the Interreg Europe programme is available at

NWRA EU Funding Network

In 2022, the NWRA launched the EU Funding Network. The network provides capacity building and project support for all stakeholders in the region. The NWRA EU funding network provides concise and up to date information on funding opportunities and is aimed at public and private sector entities, NGOs and Communities.

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