What does it consist of?
It is widely recognized that urban areas do not exist in isolation from wider economic, social and political factors arising from the national, European and global context. The need to apply a partnership approach to the problems of cities is increasingly emphasized. A central element of the UrbanCOOP project is the multilateral cooperation in the field of the urban environment and the exchange of experience between local authorities in order to overcome the gaps in the practice and expertise of interregional public institutions through knowledge transfer and training on urban policies.
Objective of the project
The UrbanCOOP partnership
Lead partner: University of Turin
Piedmont Region (Italy)
Regional Development Agency South-West Oltenia (Romania)
Association of Municipalities of Tartu County (Estonia)
Commonwealth of L’Horta Sud (Spain)
Gabrovo Municipality (Bulgaria)
Northern and Western Regional Assembly (Ireland)
Duration and budget
The project duration is 4 years. 01/03/23 – 31/05/27 and is split into 2 phases
Core phase of 3 years. Exchange of experiences (identification of good practices, interregional learning, trainings…)
Follow-up phase 1 year. Follow-up of the results of the exchange of experience
Total value of the project amounts to €1,505,361 with a total co-financing of the Interreg Europe Programme of €1,204,288.80