EU Programme:

Interreg Atlantic Area Programme

The Interreg Atlantic Area 2021-2027 supports transnational cooperation in the Atlantic regions of four countries: Portugal, Spain, France and Ireland.

The third call for project proposals is currently open from the 25th November 2024 to 14th February 2025, visit the Atlantic Area website for more information:

Programme Summary

In this programme peirod, there is a renewed commitment with the Atlantic regions in the support of innovative initiatives that contribute to the growth, solving common challenges across border through the implementation of joint actions, exchange of good practices and contribution to new or current policies.

The programme budget for 2021-2027 is 113 million euros from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The co-financing rate for projects approved is up to 75% of the total investment.

Four Priority Axes

The Atlantic Area programme aims to develop a more prosperous, sustainable and connected Atlantic Area. As a maritime territory, the Atlantic Strategy published in July 2020 (the Atlantic Action Plan 2.0), has been considered in the Programme design.

The Atlantic Area programme consists of four Priority Axes and associated objectives – projects must fall under these categories if they are to be eligible for consideration:

  • Priority 1: Blue innovation and competitiveness
  • Priority 2: Blue/Green environment
  • Priority 3: Blue sustainable and social tourism & culture
  • Priority 4: A better governance for cooperation in the Atlantic Area

The Atlantic Area community is made of business support organisations, social enterprises, third sector organisations, public authorities, education and training organisations, environmental protection agencies, local communities, civil society clusters, universities, upper education bodies and research/innovation institutions.

Third Call for Applications

The third call for project proposals is currently open from the 25th November 2024 to 14th February 2025, visit the Atlantic Area website for more information:

NWRA EU Funding Network

In 2022, the NWRA launched the EU Funding Network. The network provides capacity building and project support for all stakeholders in the region. The NWRA EU funding network provides concise and up to date information on funding opportunities and is aimed at public and private sector entities, NGOs and Communities.

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