BMW Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020
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BMW Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020
The third Regional Operational Programme (ROP) for the Border, Midland and Western (BMW) Region is a funding package of €320 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Irish exchequer and invested in the region between 2014 and 2022.
The ERDF aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting imbalances between its regions. Along with the other funds that form the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), the ERDF seeks to contribute to the Union’s strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in an effort to address regional imbalances.
The BMW Regional Operational Programme 2014 – 2020 was formally submitted to the European Commission on 22nd July 2014 and was approved on 12th December 2014. The new programme was prepared in co-operation with a wide range of partners and stakeholders including:
Over the March 2013 to March 2014 period, 58 meetings were held with relevant Government Departments and Agencies on the preparation of the Regional Operational Programme and potential actions for inclusion in the programme. These meetings were held jointly with the Southern and Eastern Regional Assembly and with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.
View the Reports below:
An ERDF Needs Analysis process was undertaken jointly with the Southern and Eastern Regional Assembly, with the expert assistance of the National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, NUI Maynooth and the Limerick Institute of Technology.
View the Needs Analysis Report below:
The draft Operational Programme was subjected to an independent ex ante evaluation which was carried out by RSM McClure Watters between September 2013 and July 2014.
View the Ex Ante Evaluation Report:
An environmental report n environmental report h has been prepared on the Operational Programme in accordance with the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive. A non-technical summary of the environmental report is appended to the Operational Programme document.
View the Environmental Report:
An SEA Statement has been prepared, following the adoption of the Operational Programme. This statement summarises how the environmental considerations and the Environmental Report were factored into the Operational Programme and it also summarises how submissions received during the public consultation stage of the SEA process were considered.
View the SEA Statement:
The Implementation Plan is a key document for guiding the implementation of each of the Themes/Schemes within the BMW Regional Operational Programme 2014-20 and for providing information to the Monitoring Committee in order to fulfil its remit. The Implementation Plan sets out the detailed implementation arrangements for each intervention/scheme and the associated targets and provides information on the appraisal and selection of projects, the latter of which is a formal requirement, and has been adopted by the Monitoring committee.
View the Implementation Plan:
The NWRA as managing Authority for the Operational Programme produces an Implementation Report each Spring detailing progress from the previous year under the OP, the MA also produces a citizen summary of that Implementation Report.
View the Progress Reports:
Annual Implementation Report 2019
Annual Implementation Report 2017
EU legislation sets out the objectives for the ERDF and has identified 11 Thematic Objectives to facilitate Member States in adopting a common approach to the design of their Regional Operational Programmes. As the BMW Region is classified as a ‘more developed’ region the regulation prescribes that at least 80% of the ERDF allocation has to focus on the first four Thematic Objectives, therefore the BMW Regional Operational Programme focuses on a limited number of priorities.
The total fund is €320 million which is 50% co-funded by the ERDF. The priorities for the BMW Regional Operational Programme are:
Following a number of amendments to the Programme including the reallocation of funds to support the cost of supplying essential personal protective equipment for the Irish healthcare system for use in the fight against COVID-19, the overall funding for the BMW Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020 is as follows:
Priority | Fund | EU Support | National Support | Total |
RTDI | ERDF | 15m | 15m | 30m |
Health Support Scheme | ERDF | 103m | 103m | 206m |
SME | ERDF | 8.5m | 8.5m | 17m |
Low Carbon Economy | ERDF | 20m | 20m | 40m |
Urban Development | ERDF | 12m | 12m | 24m |
Technical Assistance | ERDF | 2.1m | 2.1m | 4.2m |
Total | €160.1m | €160.1m | €320.2m |
Read about the public consultation for this Programme here
There are a number of schemes approved under Priority 1. The implementation of these schemes will contribute significantly towards increasing the level of research taking place in the BMW region, with company engagement and will increase the number of companies undertaking industry R&D in the BMW Region. These schemes are vital in strengthening the economic development of the region and in making the region more connected, innovative and smarter.
Strengthening Research, Technological Development & Innovation (RTDI) in the BMW Region
The objective of the Research Centres Programme is to develop a set of world-leading, large-scale research centres that will provide major economic impact for Ireland.
SFI Research Centres link scientists and engineers in partnerships across academia and industry to address crucial research questions; foster the development of new and existing Irish-based technology companies; attract industry that could make an important contribution to Ireland and its economy; attract international research talent and capital; attract, anchor and spin out related companies in Ireland; and increase the numbers of SFI-trained researchers employed in industry.
All of the approved research centre proposals will be aligned with the 14 priorities identified in Ireland’s Research Prioritisation Exercise. A key feature of SFI Research Centres is the creation of a critical mass of internationally leading researchers in strategic areas which become a key attractant to industry and lay the foundation for effective and productive academic and industrial partnerships. SFI Research Centres envisage maximising capabilities, outputs and industry offerings, including the transfer of knowledge and expertise to enterprises and the spin-out of new, high-technology start-up companies that have the potential to raise external angel or venture funding.
For more information visit the SFI website
The objective of the Spokes Programme is to promote the further development of existing SFI Research Centres to incorporate new areas of research, new industrial and academic collaborators.
The Spokes programme is an initiative to enable the addition of new industrial and academic partners and projects to an existing SFI Research Centre, thus allowing the Centre to expand and develop in line with new priorities and opportunities, aligned with the 14 priorities identified in Ireland’s Research Prioritisation Exercise. The Spokes programme also provides a vehicle to link together, in a meaningful and relevant way, different Research Centres. The Programme has been designed to deliver excellent oriented applied research results and discoveries in targeted projects associated with SFI Research Centres, and hence will deliver significant economic and societal impact during the lifetime of the programme.
For more information visit the SFI website
The objective of SFI’s Investigator Programme is to encourage researchers to build capacity, expertise, collaborations and relationships in areas of strategic economic importance through themed calls.
The programme supports the development of world class research capability and human capital in areas of science, engineering and mathematics that demonstrably support and underpin enterprise competitiveness and societal development in Ireland. To this end, SFI funds outstanding people with innovative ideas and strategic partnerships, recognising that excellence remains a paramount criterion in the research it funds. The Investigators Programme will address crucial research questions, expand educational and career opportunities in Ireland in science and engineering, and prepare the research community to lead and win in Horizon 2020 and other non-exchequer funding programmes.
For more information visit the SFI website
The objective of the Marine Research Programme is to support capacity building and technology transfer through a range of interventions including PhD scholarships, Post-Doctoral Fellowships, research projects and inward/outward research visits.
The Marine Institute will host competitive calls for funding of marine research activities which will be open to both the public sector and to industry and will co-fund relevant research undertaken by public research bodies which aligns with Ireland’s marine research objectives, as set out in the Government policy ‘Harnessing our Ocean Wealth’ and consistent with Priority 1 of the Atlantic Strategy Action Plan, in the BMW Region.
The Marine Institute will also catalyse funding from other funding agencies (e.g. Environmental Protection Agency, Science Foundation Ireland, Irish Research Council, Geological Survey of Ireland, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, etc.) through co-funding initiatives aimed at achieving common research objectives. This initiative will increase the level of research activity taking place in the BMW region aligned with Ireland’s marine research priorities and in support of a growing marine economic sector, thus contributing to the specific objective of the investment priority.
For more information visit the Marine Institute Website
The objective of the Enterprise Ireland Commercialisation Fund is to foster and grow a dynamic and commercially aware research community and to create an environment that promotes entrepreneurship.
In so doing, an accessible route to commercialisation is established for the transfer of knowledge from the research base into industry. Third-level researchers and researchers in other Research Producing Organisations can apply to carry out applied research that may lead to licensing agreements and spin-out companies.
The programme will fund the development of innovations at all stages of the commercial pipeline to the point where they can be commercialised as new products, services and companies. Two funding supports are provided:
For more information visit Enterprise Ireland’s website
The objective of the Innovation Partnership Programme is to propel the use of key technologies by Irish companies by encouraging them to work with Irish research institutes resulting in mutually beneficial co-operation and interaction.
Companies can access expertise and resources to develop new and improved products, processes, services, and generate new knowledge and know-how. The Innovation Partnership Programme helps companies to engage in collaborative research projects with Irish universities and institutes of technology to develop new products and services. The Programme will support companies that fulfil the following criteria:
For companies, Innovation Partnership funding reduces both the cost and the risk associated with collaborative research. The programme is focused on firms, especially SMEs that have difficulty exploiting technological developments that are outside their established capacities.
For more information visit Enterprise Ireland’s website
he objective of the Enterprise Ireland Industry R&D Fund is to support Research, Development and Technological Innovation (RTDI) relevant at all stages of company development, and which will enable companies to progress from undertaking an initial research project to high level innovation and R&D activities.
The R&D Fund exists to promote innovation in companies by supporting projects involving product R&D and also innovation in services. The offer is focused both on companies which are planning to undertake substantial first R&D projects and those which are further developing their existing R&D activity. The focus of the programme will be to increase the number of companies participating in R&D from the BMW region, leading to innovation and the creation of new products and services. The suite of measures will contribute to increase in business expenditure in R&D in the Region, leading to the creation of sustainable innovative industries.
For more information visit Enterprise Ireland’s website
There is one major project approved under Priority 2 – the National Broadband Scheme which is being delivered through the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources.
The scheme aims to ensure that guaranteed, quality broadband is available to all and that citizens and businesses have the requisite tools to participate fully in, and maximise the benefits of, a digitally enabled economy and society. The National Broadband Scheme is a targeted State led investment providing broadband infrastructure in those areas that will not be covered by the commercial sector. It is envisioned that the number of Irish towns & villages with high-speed next generation will have increased to 1,145 (from 562) by the end of the programming period. This scheme is central to the development of new opportunities for jobs, growth and social inclusion in the BMW region.
Enhancing access to, and use and quality of ICT
To increase the provision of fibre optic links to all unserved towns and villages in the BMW Region
Schemes approved under Priority 3 of the BMW Regional Operational Plan seek to promote entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering the creation of new firms, including through business incubators.
The objectives of the priority are:
Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs
To foster & grow a cohort of entrepreneurs with the skills and resources to accelerate start-up and expansion of their enterprises to increase employment and support micro-enterprises
To increase number of established SMEs accessing supports and finance required for sustainability, internationalisation and growth-oriented actions
The Schemes which make up the SME Support, Promotion and Capability Development Priority are:
The Local Enterprise Offices support innovative and growth-oriented SME start-ups and expansions in growing sectors, through the provision of business information, advisory services, capacity building, mentoring and financial supports.
Financial supports will be targeted at the more value added micro-enterprises, in the manufacturing and traded services activities including high growth and potentially high growth sectors which do not lead to deadweight and or displacement. The non-financial supports are broader and more generally focussed, but also meet the specific needs of high growth and potential high-growth Companies. The Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) are the first stop shop for anybody in Ireland looking to start, develop or grow a business. The LEOs support entrepreneurs and businesses that are eligible for support under current policy.
Visit the Local Enterprise Offices Website for More Information
Enterprise Ireland operates the entrepreneurship training and accelerator programmes which focus on:
Visit the New Frontiers Website for more information
Enterprise Ireland’s SME Development Programme of supports provides grant aid to eligible companies (namely manufacturing and internationally traded services SMEs) to support key investment in areas that drive company productivity and competitiveness including:
For more information visit the Enterprise Ireland website
This priority focuses on supporting energy efficiency, smart energy management and renewable energy use in public infrastructures, including in public buildings, and in the housing sector.
The principle objective of this programme is to meet Ireland’s commitments in relation to carbon emissions reduction and energy reduction target for 2020. It is intended that this retrofitting proposal will fully meet the stringent requirements and ambitious targets of the Energy Efficiency Directive. The specific objective of the priority is to improve energy efficiency in the housing stock in the BMW Region.
Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors
To improve energy efficiency in the housing stock
The Schemes which make up the Low Carbon Economy Priority are:
It is recognised that there is a considerable stock of social housing in public ownership, generally in disadvantaged areas, which do not meet the new building requirements in terms of energy efficiency and performance.
The retrofitting scheme focuses on older properties with solid masonry wall construction with a view to retrofitting attic/roof and wall insulation. Due to the higher cost of providing either external wall insulation and/or internal dry-ling/insulation, grants of up to €10,000 per dwelling will generally be payable to local authorities. The funding will include the replacement of poorly performing doors and windows where necessary. A target of 834 properties will be retrofitted in the BMW Region under the OP. Properties in all local authority areas are eligible for funding.
In addition to achieving best use of existing resources, minimising voids attracts a much enhanced perception of local authorities where housing applicants can be accommodated as quickly as possible and vacant dwellings are not the source of anti-social behaviour. Over 4,000 social housing units nationally are vacant at present. A targeted measure is being introduced which will focus exclusively on vacant and boarded-up properties with the objective of returning at least 360 of these in the BMW region to productive use as quickly as possible. Funding of up to €30,000 per unit will be provided for a suite of retrofitting works. The programme will focus on retrofitting of the fabric of the dwelling (insulation of walls/roofs, window/door replacement, heating system improvement, etc). The measure will apply across all local authorities in the BMW region.
There are large numbers of owner occupied non-Local Authority homes, which were constructed before 2006, where the energy efficiency and performance is very poor.
The Better Energy Warmer Homes scheme is run by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) on behalf of the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. The scheme is targeted at low-income households at risk of energy poverty. The objectives of the scheme are to improve the energy efficiency of the household at risk and in the process reduce the amount of expenditure that is required to be spent on energy. Other secondary objectives are to improve health and well-being, while reducing the amount of disposal income spent on energy. A reduction in spend on energy will also make a positive contribution to reducing poverty in at-risk households.
The Better Energy Warmer Homes scheme delivers a range of energy efficiency measures to households that are vulnerable to energy poverty. The scheme is delivered through a combination of private contractors appointed through public procurement which is augmented by SEAI-appointed Community Based Organisations (CBOs), in order to ensure national coverage. Measures typically installed in eligible households include dry lining, draught proofing, attic insulation, lagging jackets for hot water tanks and cavity wall insulation. A technical survey is carried out by an independent company hired by the SEAI to assess the suitability of each home to receive measures. All energy efficiency works will be undertaken in accordance with SR 54 – Methodology for the energy efficient retrofit of existing dwellings.
For more information visit
The Sustainable Urban Development priority objectives include increasing the number of integrated growth centre strategies implemented and supporting low carbon sustainable, multimodal urban mobility in designated urban centres.
In the BMW Region a total of 7 integrated growth centres (gateways) are being supported under this measure. The measures approved include a focus on the efficient use of existing resources with the urban environment and reducing the pressure for the centre to ‘spread’ outwards and lead to further land degradation.
Sustainable Urban Development
To increase the number of integrated growth centre strategies implemented
To support low carbon sustainable, multimodal urban mobility in designated urban centres
The approved schemes under Priority 5 are:
Town | Project | ERDF | National Support | Total |
Sligo | Enhancements to O’Connell Street; Provision of new community centre in Cranmore | 2m | 2m | 4m |
Letterkenny | Upgrading Joe Bonner Link Road; Provision of new Social Enterprise building; Upgrading of town linkages | 2m | 2m | 4m |
Galway | Construction of library and cultural centre on the Headford Road | 3.5m | 3.5m | 7m |
Athlone | Church Street enhancements | 1.5m | 1.5m | 3m |
Dundalk | Rejuvenation of Clanbrasil Street and St. Nicholas Quarter | 2m | 2m | 4m |
Mullingar | Enhancement of town civic areas and linkages between them | 1.5m | 1.5m | 3m |
Tullamore | Enhancement project for town centre streets | 1.5m | 1.5m | 3m |
Total | €14m | €14m | €28m |
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