Transport Infrastructure is a key growth enabler for our Region
Read or Download our Submission to the National Investment Framework
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The forthcoming review of the National Development Plan (NDP), together with the National Investment Framework Transport for Ireland, the furtherance of Ireland’s Rural Future, and implementation of the Government’s commitment to Regional Development will, in combination, be instrumental in tackling the substantial challenges facing the Northern and Western Region.
These challenges, if left unaddressed as the country emerges from the Covid-19 pandemic, could notably enhance regional inequalities that exist in Ireland and undermine the delivery of the National Planning Framework (NPF) and the Programme for Government.
The Assembly believe that it is imperative at a National Level that measures are urgently taken to redress the widening regional disparities.
Such steps must include the consideration of positive discrimination in terms of investment into the Border & Western Region, to enable in particular, our Urban Centre’s and the intra urban routes between these centre’s to be enhanced, and journey reliability, and certainty increased, with the ultimate goal of significantly reduced average journey speed’s.