Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Statement
The Northern & Western Regional Operational Programme 2021-2027 was submitted to the European Commission on 1st November 2022 and was adopted on Novemebr 21st 2022.
An Environmental Report under the requirements of the SEA Directive, transposed into Irish domestic law through the European Communities (Environmental Assessment of Certain Plans and Programmes) Regulations 2004 (SI 435/2004 and SI 200/2011), and the Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations 2004 (SI 436/2004 and SI 201/2011) was prepared in parallel with the preparation of the Operational Programme. This report summarises the likely significant effects on the environment due to the implementation of the Operational Programme and recommends mitigation measures to address these identified significant effects. The Environmental Report was also submitted with the Operational Programme to the EU.
The adopted Operational Programme and the Environmental Report are available for inspection at the Northern & Westeren Regional Assembly Offices, at the address below or downloaded by clicking the links listed.
An SEA Statement has been prepared, following the adoption of the Operational Programme. This statement summarises how the environmental considerations and the Environmental Report were factored into the Operational Programme and it also summarises how submissions received during the public consultation stage of the SEA process were considered.
The Operational Programme, SEA Statement and additional documentation can be downloaded here:
NWR Regional Programme 21-27 Post Consultation SEA Environmental Report
NWR SEA Non-technical Post Consultation
NW Regional Programme 2021-2027
and is is also available for public viewing at the address below:
Northern and Western Regional Assembly
Dillon House
The Square
Co Roscommon,
094 986 2970