Our 2019 Work Programme
2019 is a strategically important year for the NWRA. Have a look at our high level work programme for the year ahead.
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Our Regional Operational Programme (2014-2020) continues to deliver on challenging metrics. Across the region supporting 200 new research posts in our 3rd level institutions, over 3,500 new SME’s, improving the energy efficiency of 10,000 homes and hopefully by the end of the programme we will see over 140,000 new homes provided with modern Broadband services through the NBP. The NWRA is also strategically exploring opportunities post 2020 as the region moves back in category from ‘developed’ to ‘region in transition’ (EU Commission).
2019 will be the year we deliver our Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy adopting policies to support the growth & development of the region (demographically, socio- economically and spatially). In addition the NWRA leads out on a number of partnerships at an EU, national and regional level that align with regional priorities and that we hope will provide a dividend to our constituent stakeholders.
Our Values as an organisation mean that, although a small team, we are continually open to engagement and new partnerships where projects will enhance local or regional competitiveness. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.