Northern Periphery and Arctic 7th Call
“On Friday 5th July the SEUPB and the NWRA held a joint information seminar in the Cavan Crystal Hotel highlighting the Northern Periphery and Arctic’s 7th and final call for funding. During the seminar both Brendan Mooney (NWRA) and Declan McGarrigle (SEUPB) updated the attendees on the 7th Call and where the programmes were at in terms of funding commitments. The day also included 4 project presentations from each of the priorities to highlight good project management and the impact NPA funding was having in the region.
The Seventh Call for main project applications is open from 1st July to 30th September 2019. This will be the last call for projects launched by the NPA. In addition to a regular call for main projects targeting specific objective 2.2 and Priority 4 (Strand 1), the Monitoring Committee has decided to introduce experimental approaches focusing on capitalisation (Strand 2) and disruptive technologies (Strand 3).
For the Seventh call for main applications, the Monitoring Committee has agreed to three Strands:
Main project target only to Priority Axis 2, Specific Objective 2.2 and Priority Axis 4.
Capitalisation projects: applications under this Strand will have to focus on three alternative experimental approaches (Rollout, Policy Influencer, Transnationalisation) capitalising on the achievements of previously successful NPA projects.
Disruptive technologies projects: projects to explore the practical application of new technologies to existing industries.
Download the Presentations from the Seminar
NPA_InformationSeminar BM
NPA Event July 19 Climate
IMRPOVE a creative momentum project-NPA 7th Call workshop-5.7.19
For further details please contact Brendan Mooney ei.ar1738849642wn@ye1738849642noomb1738849642 or visit ”