Interreg North-West Europe Joint Information Event hosted by SEUPB
Interreg North-West Europe Programme and Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) are hosting a joint application clinic on 16th April in Newry for potential applicants interested in applying under Call 9.
Both the Interreg North-West Europe UK National Contact Point Filippo Compagni and the Irish National Contact Point Rita McGarvey will facilitate the one-to-one meetings which will provide an opportunity for potential applicants to gain advice and pointer on their project proposal ahead of the call 9 deadline for step 1 applications on 14th June 2019.
This event will be held at the offices of InterTrade Ireland in Newry, Co. Down.
To register for the event, email Gerry Bradley SEUPB, ue.bp1739092482ues@y1739092482eldar1739092482b.yrr1739092482eg1739092482 by 1st April. A meeting time will be assigned with the National Contact Point.
For further information on Call 9 log on to the Interreg North-West Europe Programme website or contact Rita McGarvey, Sourthern Regional Assembly, National Contact Point for Ireland on 051 860700.