Interreg North West Europe Call 9 Opens: Deadline 14th June 2019
Interreg North West Europe Programme ninth call for project proposals is now open. The deadline for Step 1 applications is Friday 14th June 2019. The application form and support documents are now available online.
The current call for proposals is only open to priority 1 and priority 3 of the NWE Programme. The Programme is looking for transnational cooperation projects that can deliver concrete results for the North-West Europe area and its citizens under its two priorities of Innovation and Resource and Materials Efficiency.
Priority 1: Innovation
Specific Objective 1: To enhance innovation performance of enterprises throughout NWE regions.
Within priority 1, and without excluding in any way other relevant topics for this priority, the NWE programme would welcome in particular projects dealing with:
- Social innovation (please see guidance note on our website), including projects addressing the migration-related challenge, focusing on the integration of recognised refugees on the mid & long-term, in particular in the domain of entrepreneurship, employment and access to the labour market.
- Innovative products, processes and technologies contributing to CO2 reduction and the green economy, including green transport, in line with the big societal challenges addressed by the Paris Agreement.
Priority 3: Resource and materials efficiency
Specific Objective 5: To optimise (re)use of material and natural resources in NWE.
Within priority 3, the NWE programme is specifically interested in projects focusing on circular economy.
The Programme encourages public, scientific, private and civil society organisations to come together to improve the economic, environmental, territorial and social development of the regions in the North-West Europe area.
The application process is in two steps. Step 1 focuses on the project need, its objectives and expected results. If approved, it is developed into a full Step 2 application and success at this stage means full approval and a grant award of up to 60%.
For complete information about Call 9 please visit: Please contact Rita McGarvey, National Contact Point for Ireland for further information:
Email: ei.yl1738843073bmess1738843073anreh1738843073tuos@1738843073yevra1738843073gcmr1738843073
Tel: +353 51 860700
Twitter: @interreg_nwe
Interreg NWE is one of the fifteen transnational cooperation programmes financed by the European Union. It is financed through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The Southern Regional Assembly and the Eastern & Midlands Regional Assembly represent the Member State on the Programme’s Monitoring Committee.
Eligible Countries and Map of Programme Area
Ireland (All counties), UK, Belgium, Luxembourg, parts of France, Germany and the Netherlands, and Switzerland.