€8.35m granted to 23 Atlantic Area projects under Call 3
The NWRA welcomes an additional €8.35m ERDF funding granted to 23 Interreg Atlantic Area projects, which will benefit 28 Irish partner organisations. The NWRA as National Contact point in Ireland, plays a key role in assisting Irish organisations access the Atlantic Area projects through advice and guidance on project proposals and partnership formation. The funding was allocated through a ‘Call 3’ for project extension and capitalisation as part of the existing 2014 – 2020 programme.
The following Atlantic Area projects were approved for extension:
- 3DPARE – Artificial reef 3D printing for Atlantic Area
- AA-FLOODS – Enhanced prevention, warning, coordination and emergency management tools for floods at local scales
- ADSA: Supporting Atlantic digital start-ups to go international
- AHFES: A quadruple helix Atlantic Area healthy food ecosystem for growth of SMEs
- ALICE: Improving the management of Atlantic landscapes: accounting for biodiversity and ecosystem services
- ARCWIND – Adaptation and implementation of floating wind energy conversion technology for the Atlantic region
- ATLANTICFOODEXPORT: Business cooperation to increase Atlantic food products exports
- ATLANTICONBIKE: The EuroVelo 1, a unique cycling-tourism destination for a green growth
- ATLANTIC-SOCIAL-LAB – Atlantic cooperation for the promotion of social innovation
- CLEANATLANTIC – Tackling marine litter in the Atlantic Area
- DIADES – Assessing and enhancing ecosystem services provided by diadromous fish in a climate change context
- EMPORIA4KT – Empower academia for knowledge transfer for value creation in the Atlantic Area
- ENHANCEMICROALGAE – High added-value industrial opportunities for microalgae in the Atlantic Area
- FANBEST– Funding Atlantic network for blue economy technology transfer
- HYLANTIC – Atlantic network for renewable generation and supply of hydrogen to promote high energy efficiency
- IFADO: Innovation in the framework of the Atlantic deep ocean
- INTEGRATE: Integrate Aquaculture: an eco-innovative solution to foster sustainability in the Atlantic Area
- MONITOOL: New tools for monitoring the chemical status in transitional and coastal waters under the Water Framework Directive
- MYCOAST – Coordinated Atlantic coastal operational oceanographic observatory
- PROTOATLANTIC – Development and validation of a program for the prototyping and exploitation of innovative ideas
- RISKAQUASOIL – Atlantic risk management plan in water and soil
- SAFER – Smart Atlantic Seafood Clusters
- TRIPLE-C – Capitalising climate change projects in risk management for a better Atlantic Area resilienc