Manufacturing as a process relies on a combination of tools and solutions working together towards a common goal.




Northern Periphery and
Arctic Programme

But sometimes manufacturers can get so caught up in the process and systems they’ve created that they miss the opportunity for increased efficiencies ad capacity.

The TARGET Programme, led by John Moore from the South West College in Northern Ireland, received funding under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to develop a toolbox for manufacturers in the Northern Periphery and Artic areas embracing new technologies and best international practice.

Amongst the six partners involved in the TARGET programme was the Cavan Innovation and Technology Centre and the Local Enterprise Office in Cavan.

“It was amazing to link up with Universities in countries such as Sweden, Finland and Norway which have great tech know-how in this area,” explains Vincent Reynolds, Director of Cavan’s Innovation and Technology Centre.

The TARGET website comes complete with a diagnostic tool so if the searching manufacturer doesn’t necessarily know where or what the problem is, they’ll still be helped to find the solution.

The tools include Creative Concept Development, Digital Scanning, Virtual Reality and Supply Chain Management.

“Sixteen tools have been developed in this open access portal. Its aimed at three groups; colleges and students as a teaching base; agencies which support enterprise and work with entrepreneurs and SMEs and businesses themselves,” explains Mr. Reynolds.

Developing leaner, better and more robust processes the legacy of the TARGET programme is reflected in the success of businesses in the six partner areas which have embraced the initiative.

“By working together all the partners have contributed to this toolbox of supports for new manufacturing processes and practices – and that wouldn’t have been possible without the ERDF funding,” says Mr. Reynolds.

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