OURWAY Project Visits Westport
This week saw the 2nd Steering Group Meeting & 1st Interregional Thematic Workshop of the OURWAY Project take place in Westport, Co. Mayo.
OURWAY falls into Interreg Europe’s Environment & Resource Efficiency pillar and it focuses on preservatiOn and promotion of cUltural and natural heRitage through GreenWAYs.
Partners and stakeholders from Ireland and across Europe took place in the event travelling from Spain, Poland, Hungary, France and Bulgaria and there was also representation from the European Greenways Association.
The two day event focused on knowledge sharing of best practices across Europe. On day 1, visiting partners and stakeholders were able to experience firsthand the collaboration and coordination among key actors in the field of greenways by hearing presentations given from businesses along the Greenway route (Dermot Madigan – General Manager Mulranny Park Hotel and Travis Zeray – Owner Clue Bay Bike Hire). Partners and Stakeholders then cycled the route from Mulranny to Newport (18kms) taking in the magnificent scenery of Clew Bay & Croagh Patrick with various points on interest along the way. Some partners even braved the elements and continued on to Westport cycling almost 30kms.
Day 2 provided the opportunity for stakeholders and partners to network with each other between presentations from the European Greenways Association (Mercedes Muños), Department of Transport & Tourism (Derek O’Neill), Sport Ireland (Doug Corrie), Mayo County Council (Anna Connor), Fáilte Ireland (Fionnán Nestor) and our own regional planning section from NWRA (Conall McGettigan).
A successful Interregional Thematic Workshop with contributions from all in attendance!
For more information and updates on the OURWAY project, visit https://www.interregeurope.eu/ourway/ and keep a look out for updates on our social media platforms.