Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) (24th January 2020) – Process Update.
The Northern and Western Regional Assembly made the first Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Northern and Western Region at its January Meeting held on 24th January 2020. The RSES comes into immediate effect. The RSES will be subject to a Graphic Design process in order to make it visually consistent with similar strategies in the planning hierarchy. It is planned that this will be ready for a public launch in March. The website will be updated when more definite timelines emerge.
Background to Making the RSES
The Northern and Western Regional Assembly published a Draft Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy in November 2018, following significant engagement and consultations over the previous 12 months. This included the formal Pre-Draft RSES consultation that took place between November 2017 and February 2018.
The draft itself was the subject of public consultation from November 2018 until February 2019. The submissions received were considered by the Assembly at its April meeting (26/04/19) and decided to propose Material Amendments to the Draft, they also determined that SEA and AA were required in relation to the proposed Material Amendments.
The Assembly further decided on 26/07/19 to publish the Material Amendments and the SEA and AA carried out for them. The consultation period was from 4th August 2019 until 11th October 2019, (dates inclusive).
The submissions received, the Director’s Reports and environmental assessments were considered by the Assembly at its meeting in December and the RSES was made by the Assembly at its meeting on 24th January 2020. The documents used to inform the strategy can be viewed below.
The Assembly would like to thank all those who engaged with the process and who by doing so contributed to the successful completion of the RSES.
Stages of RSES Preperation
Directors Report on Draft Submissions
Draft RSES
Draft RSES
Draft REGIONAL SPATIAL AND ECONOMIC STRATEGY for the Northern and Western Regional Assembly
Socio-Economic Baseline Report Part 1
Socio Economic Baseline Report Part 1
Socio Economic Baseline Report Part 2
Socio Economic Baseline Report Part 2
SEA Environmental Report
SEA Environmental Report
Flood Risk Assessment
Regional Flood Risk Assessment
Natura Impact Report
Natura Impact Report
Pre-Draft and Resource Documents
Report on Submissions
Director’s Report on Submissions
Stakeholder Workshops
Report on Pre-Draft RSES Stakeholder Workshops January 2018
RSES Scoping Report
Scoping Report
RSES Issues Paper
RSES Issues Paper
Draft NPF Submission
NWRA Draft NPF Submission Nov 2017
Issues & Choices Paper
NPF Submisson
RPG – West
Regional Planning Guidelines – West
Ireland 2040 Website
RPG – Border
Regional Planning Guidelines – Border