This priority focuses on supporting energy efficiency, smart energy management and renewable energy use in public infrastructures, including in public buildings, and in the housing sector.
The principle objective of this programme is to meet Ireland’s commitments in relation to carbon emissions reduction and energy reduction target for 2020. It is intended that this retrofitting proposal will fully meet the stringent requirements and ambitious targets of the Energy Efficiency Directive. The specific objective of the priority is to improve energy efficiency in the housing stock in the BMW Region.
Priority 4: €40 million
Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors
Specific Objectives
To improve energy efficiency in the housing stock
Priority Actions
- Retrofitting of Social Housing and Vacant Social Housing (DECLG)
- Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme (SEAI)
The Schemes which make up the Low Carbon Economy Priority are:
Retrofitting of Social Housing and Vacant Social Housing (DECLG)
It is recognised that there is a considerable stock of social housing in public ownership, generally in disadvantaged areas, which do not meet the new building requirements in terms of energy efficiency and performance.
The retrofitting scheme focuses on older properties with solid masonry wall construction with a view to retrofitting attic/roof and wall insulation. Due to the higher cost of providing either external wall insulation and/or internal dry-ling/insulation, grants of up to €10,000 per dwelling will generally be payable to local authorities. The funding will include the replacement of poorly performing doors and windows where necessary. A target of 834 properties will be retrofitted in the BMW Region under the OP. Properties in all local authority areas are eligible for funding.
In addition to achieving best use of existing resources, minimising voids attracts a much enhanced perception of local authorities where housing applicants can be accommodated as quickly as possible and vacant dwellings are not the source of anti-social behaviour. Over 4,000 social housing units nationally are vacant at present. A targeted measure is being introduced which will focus exclusively on vacant and boarded-up properties with the objective of returning at least 360 of these in the BMW region to productive use as quickly as possible. Funding of up to €30,000 per unit will be provided for a suite of retrofitting works. The programme will focus on retrofitting of the fabric of the dwelling (insulation of walls/roofs, window/door replacement, heating system improvement, etc). The measure will apply across all local authorities in the BMW region.
Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme (SEAI)
There are large numbers of owner occupied non-Local Authority homes, which were constructed before 2006, where the energy efficiency and performance is very poor.
The Better Energy Warmer Homes scheme is run by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) on behalf of the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. The scheme is targeted at low-income households at risk of energy poverty. The objectives of the scheme are to improve the energy efficiency of the household at risk and in the process reduce the amount of expenditure that is required to be spent on energy. Other secondary objectives are to improve health and well-being, while reducing the amount of disposal income spent on energy. A reduction in spend on energy will also make a positive contribution to reducing poverty in at-risk households.
The Better Energy Warmer Homes scheme delivers a range of energy efficiency measures to households that are vulnerable to energy poverty. The scheme is delivered through a combination of private contractors appointed through public procurement which is augmented by SEAI-appointed Community Based Organisations (CBOs), in order to ensure national coverage. Measures typically installed in eligible households include dry lining, draught proofing, attic insulation, lagging jackets for hot water tanks and cavity wall insulation. A technical survey is carried out by an independent company hired by the SEAI to assess the suitability of each home to receive measures. All energy efficiency works will be undertaken in accordance with SR 54 – Methodology for the energy efficient retrofit of existing dwellings.
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