EU co-funded allocation of €84 million to enhance Research and Innovation opportunities for TU sector

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris TD announced €84 million to enhance research and innovation opportunities for the Technological University sector.

The programme will establish, equip, and staff regional research and innovation offices within TUs to enable deepened engagement with local and regional business, industry, and enterprise stakeholders.

It is also directed at developing researcher human capital in the technological sector, including staff development, recruitment, postgraduate training and supervision, networking, and collaborative knowledge-transfer and mobility schemes.

Minister Harris said:
“I am very pleased to announce, with the assistance of the European Regional Development Fund, the allocation of almost €84 million in funding to our five TUs as well as to Dundalk Institute of Technology and Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology.
“The Technological Universities are uniquely placed to link with local and regional enterprises, particularly Small and Medium Enterprises, to support them to turn innovation opportunities into real-world actuality.
“TUs are catalysts of regional development and support the skills and employment agendas regionally and nationally. This significant research-oriented funding will further enhance their capacity in this regard, ensuring that as a nation Ireland will be recognised as a world-leader in Research and Innovation for years to come.”

TU RISE is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the Southern, Eastern & Midland and the Northern & Western Regional Programmes, 2021-27.

This follows the Minister’s announcement in December of funding of €15 million for research equipment across the higher education sector under the Higher Education Research Equipment Grant, some €3.7 million of which was allocated to the technological sector.

That funding will help higher education institutions purchase and upgrade world-leading research equipment that will serve the research, innovation and development needs of Irish researchers and enterprise collaborators over the next two years. It will support vital research activity across the sector while also building future capacity in R&D.

Chief Executive of the Higher Education Authority, which will manage the operations of the TU RISE scheme, Dr Alan Wall, said:
“Funding under TU RISE comes at a critical juncture in the development of the technological sector. This funding offers institutions the opportunity to enhance central research functions, which are critical to institutions strategically developing and achieving their research ambitions. Investment in staff and researchers in individual disciplines at Faculty level offers institutions an important opportunity to build expertise in research areas that will facilitate stronger engagement with regional enterprises aligned to Ireland’s Smart Specialisation Strategy and the Regional Enterprise Plans.
“The HEA conceived, designed and will manage this investment to support our TUs contribution to a bottom-up, place-based, dynamic process which brings together regional and national actors to link Ireland’s regional needs and potential with innovative policymaking”.

Welcoming the Scheme, the Cathaoirleach of the Northern and Western Regional Assembly, Cllr John Naughten said:
“The TU RISE Scheme is another positive instance of European Funding, delivered by the EU co-funded Regional Programmes to assist the technological sector in enhanced engagement with businesses and stakeholders in the regions. This is a fantastic opportunity to develop much needed researcher human capital in the regions, which is one of the most pressing challenges facing the Northern and Western region.”

EU Co-funded scheme aimed at accelerating economic growth and sustainable job creation in the region was announced in Ballina.

The fund was announced by Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Simon Coveney, TD, together with Ministers Dara Calleary and representatives of the Northern & Western Regional Assembly.

The Smart Regions Enterprise Innovation Scheme will be administered by Enterprise Ireland and will be open for applications from today.  Co-funded by the Government and the EU through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Scheme will capitalise on existing regional enterprise partnerships and complement priorities set out in the Regional Enterprise Plans and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES).

The new scheme will assist small business in the region and help develop functioning ecosystems to support entrepreneurship, start-ups, and scaling companies. This will be achieved by providing appropriate infrastructure, key staff & resources to deliver innovative solutions. 

There is a national allocation of €145 million for the scheme with almost €31 million of the allocation ring fenced for the Northern and Western Region.

The Smart Regions Enterprise Innovation Scheme is one of a number of initiatives under the Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-2027 which is a €217m investment strategy for the region.

Welcoming the Scheme, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Simon Coveney said;

“I am delighted to announce that applications for the first call for the €145m ‘Smart Regions Enterprise Innovation Scheme’ are open for applications from today through Enterprise Ireland.

There is €35 million available under this first call of the Scheme which will support innovative clusters, local infrastructure projects and feasibility and priming funding for early-stage project development.

This funding will further build capacity and encourage innovation in the regions and will ensure that we continue to create employment and opportunities all over the country.”

The overall objective of this Scheme is to drive job creation and enterprise development in each region throughout Ireland. In addition, Smart Regions funding will support the micro and SME client base in strategic regional locations by addressing deficits in key infrastructure.  Successful projects will be collaborative in nature, innovative, financially viable, sustainable and will support existing regional infrastructure.

Also welcoming the Scheme, Cathaoirleach of the Northern and Western Regional Assembly, Cllr John Naughten stated;

“As the Managing Authority for ERDF in our region, we are delighted to play a role in securing these funds, both for Enterprise Ireland, and our regionally based companies. This scheme is a departure from other previous supports, and recognises the value in regional based planning, connecting policy and funding. The Smart Regions Enterprise Innovation Scheme will support investments in key areas identified through our Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy.”

Brendan Mooney NWRA, Assistant Director, ERDF Managing Authority said:

“The Smart Regions Enterprise Innovation Scheme, is co-financed through the European Regional Development Fund. The Northern & Western Regional Assembly together with Enterprise Ireland, envisage this scheme to be a catalyst for regional based companies to achieve their ambition and help fosters a thriving business environment across the entire region”.

Minister for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation Dara Calleary added;

“This Government is committed to fostering and delivering balanced regional development. The €35 million call under the Smart Regions Enterprise Innovation Scheme which opens today will assist regionally based SMEs collaborate with other partners to embrace digitisation, green economy and other new opportunities.

This new Scheme, which is supported by the European Regional Development Fund, will build on the €126 million in regional enterprise funding the Department has already provided to support innovative enterprise focused projects across all regions of the country.

I want to acknowledge, in particular, the Chairs, the Regional Programme Managers, and the steering groups who have driven the development and delivery of the 9 Regional Enterprise Plans to 2024 and have done incredible work in their respective regions. This scheme will assist them in realising the ambitions in the Plans and unlock the potential of their region from the bottom up through collaboration. No doubt this will have major impact in all regions of the country.”

Click here to Find out More about the Smart Regions Enterprise Innovation Scheme and Download the Call Documents

Opening of EU co funded PEM Technology Gateway in Sligo

The Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (PEM) Technology Gateway, part of the Atlantic Technological University (ATU) Engineering department of the Sligo campus, had its official opening, inviting industry leaders, innovators, and partners to join in the celebration on Thursday, 5 October 2023.

The occasion showcased the state-of-the-art equipment available to industries in the region and nationwide and provided a platform to introduce the Gateway team. Attendees had the chance to learn how the PEM Technology Gateway can be a driving force behind their industry’s success and regional development, and to explore cutting-edge technology, network with industry experts, and gain valuable insights into Gateway’s extensive offerings.

The PEM Technology Gateway has built on ATU Sligo’s strength and history as the National Training Centre for Toolmakers in Ireland.

Co-funded by Enterprise Ireland and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Northern & Western Regional Programme, the Gateway has been hosted at the Institute of Technology Sligo (now ATU Sligo) since 2016, providing a gateway for industry into ATU Sligo, enabling access to the right academic expertise for their needs.

The event featured speakers including Dr Russell Macpherson, PEM Technology Gateway Manager; Dr Orla Flynn, President of Atlantic Technological University, Úna Parsons, Head of College, Sligo, and Head of the Faculty of Engineering & Design and Dr David Tormey, Academic Director of the PEM Research Centre. Their insights and perspectives added depth to the discussions on research, development and innovation, and technology’s role in shaping the future of industries.

“We eagerly anticipated the official opening of the PEM Technology Gateway, an exciting platform for innovation, industry support and regional development,” said Dr Macpherson at the Gateway. “We were delighted to welcome our guests and the forging of valuable connections that will drive research, development and innovation.”

Denis Kelly, Director of the NWRA, welcomed the launch as part of the ERDF co-funded Northern and Western Regional Programme, saying that it will “contribute to the development of a smarter, more resilient, inclusive, sustainable, and competitive economy in our Region”.


The PEM Technology Gateway, based at Finisklin Business Park, Sligo, is a hub of research, development and innovation dedicated to supporting regional and national industries. We provide industry-focused RD&I services in precision engineering, manufacturing, materials technologies, and innovation. The  PEM mission is to offer cutting-edge technology solutions that empower businesses to develop new products, processes, and services by leveraging the research expertise available through ATU Sligo. PEM services complement industry needs, and their equipment is readily accessible to businesses, allowing the production of one-off test pieces, prototyping, or short-run production. They are committed to driving regional development through collaborative research, development and innovation.

The PEM Technology Gateway is one of 16 Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateways of R&D excellence working with industry across Ireland.

The Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateway Programme is co-financed by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Southern, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-27 and the Northern & Western Regional Programme 2021-27.

Launch of €83.68m TU RISE scheme to support research capacity building and enterprise engagement in the technological university sector

Minister for Further & Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris TD today launched TU Research and Innovation Supporting Enterprise (TU RISE), an €83.68 million scheme co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.

The TU RISE scheme will support research capacity building in higher education institutions in the technological sector, with a focus on institutions enhancing engagement with enterprises in their regions. TU RISE will make funding available over four years (2023-2027) via two regional programmes, the Southern, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-27, and the Northern & Western Regional Programme 2021-27.

The purpose of the TU RISE scheme is to establish, strengthen, and systemise research and innovation offices in technological universities (TUs) and institutes of technology (IoTs) to enable greater and more structured engagement with regional enterprises, in particular, small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The benefits of research and innovation offices will be accelerated and cascaded across disciplines and campuses of institutions through staff development at facultyand school level.

The key outcomes of the scheme include:

1. Establishment and/or development of central research functions in institutions to support research capacity building and further engagement with regions.
2. Enhancement of institutional research capacity through increasing researcher human capital in research areas that have potential to facilitate stronger engagement with regional enterprises aligned to Ireland’s Smart Specialisation Strategy and the Regional Enterprise Plans.

Launching the TU RISE scheme at the Research Futures event hosted by the Higher Education Authority (HEA), Minister Harris said:TU RISE is directed at developing researcher human capital in the TUs, including staff development, recruitment, postgraduate training and supervision, networking, and collaborative knowledge-transfer and mobility schemes.

It will bolster regional entrepreneurship through investment in the TUs, leveraging the role of these higher education institutions as anchors for enterprise and for regional growth in line with the tenets of the 2019 TURN report and the ambitions of the TU national agenda.

TU RISE is in my view a hugely significant programme that will produce real benefits for the TUs, their staff, students and stakeholders and for our regions more generally.

CEO of the Higher Education Authority Dr Alan Wall welcomed the partnership of the Government of Ireland and the European Union to support the development of the technological sector: “The TU RISE scheme underlines the importance of the partnership of the Government and the EU in developing Ireland’s higher education and research system. The co-funding provided by the European Regional Development Fund for TU RISE complements investment in landscape reform through the Technological University Transformation Fund (TUTF) and N-TUTORR programme, funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The HEA is committed to the development and enhancement of research across higher education institutions. Through TU RISE, institutions in the technological sector have the opportunity to develop the structures to enable increased engagement with enterprise and accelerate research and innovation capability. Research fields will be extended and greater capacity will be developed within institutions to serve national and regional strategic objectives.”

Through the TU RISE scheme, funding of €63.68m is available under the Southern, Eastern and Midland Regional Programme, and funding of €20m is available under the Northern and Western Regional Programme. Institutional eligibility to apply for these programmes is as follows:

Northern and Western Regional Programme (€20m):

Atlantic Technological University

Denis Kelly, Director, Northern and Western Regional Assembly said: The availability of higher education and research is known to be a key factor in the attractiveness of a region for workers, firms and investors. This TU RISE scheme will be of great benefit to the development of the Atlantic Technological University (ATU) and it will support the ATU in furthering its research capacity and in building relationships and partnerships with enterprise to bolster the Northern and Western region’s attractiveness, capacity building and innovation.”

Proposals for funding under TU RISE will encompasses initiatives to establish and strengthen research and innovation offices and increase researcher human capital.

The closing date for application is 14 September 2023, with projects expected to commence in 2024.

ERDF TU RISE Call Document and Application Form can be downloaded from the HEA Website

Launch of new EU co-funded Technology Gateway Programme

 The Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Simon Coveney T.D and Minister of State for Trade Promotion and Digital Transformation, Dara Calleary T.D. together with Enterprise Ireland and the Regional Assemblies announced €47 million of funding for the continuation of the EU co-funded EI Technology Gateway Programme until 2029.

Charged with increasing the levels of interaction between Irish Industry and the Technological Universities (TU) and Institutes of Technology (IoT), the programme is co-financed by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Southern, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-27 and the Northern & Western Regional Programme 2021-27.

To date, over 4,500 companies have spent €60 million via the Technology Gateways collaborating with researchers in the TUs & IoTs. The majority of these companies are Small & Medium Enterprises who gain access to facilities and knowledge that would be unavailable to them without the Technology Gateways. 

Speaking at the launch, Minister Coveney said: “I am delighted to announce this funding to ensure the continuation of the highly successful Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateway programme. Over the next seven years the new programme will build on its previous achievements and continue to connect our businesses into our world class third level research system, driving innovation across all regions of Ireland. 

The new programme is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and I would like to thank the Northern & Western and Southern Regional Assemblies for all the assistance in securing this funding.

“The €47million will allow the existing 16 Gateways to continue to deliver solutions for Irish SME’s who are the core users of the programme. The funding will also be used to add a new Technology Gateway to the existing Network based in Technological University of the Shannon:Midlands and Midwest that will help local companies leverage the existing manufacturing expertise of the university.

Commenting on the announcement of the funding, Minister Calleary said: “The funding announced today will support the continued transformation of our enterprise sector offering innovation support and assistance to start-ups, small and medium businesses and more, across a wide range of sectors.

These Technology Gateways offer specialist knowledge and design solutions for industry across a wide range of areas. I know the Gateways have already proven valuable in providing access for companies and entrepreneurs to the expertise of over 300 researchers and to the specialised equipment and facilities available in our  Technological Universities and Institutes of Technology. I expect this programme to build on the success of the last, enabling more Irish businesses to innovate and develop their competitive edge, creating jobs across our regions and for many to start their export journey to new markets.”

CEO of Enterprise Ireland Leo Clancy also welcomed the funding: Technology Gateways focus on key technology areas aligned to industry needs. Companies all over Ireland use Technology Gateways to develop new or better products, processes and services. Since its inception in 2013, the programme and provided over 4,500 companies in Ireland with access to the talents and facilities available in the Technological Universities and Institutes of Technologies.

The success of the programme to date demonstrates how important research and development is to the growth of Irish companies. I fully expect the new programme to continue to deliver the same levels of engagement between Irish industry and the Technology Gateways to ensure our client companies continue to compete, grow and scale.”

Opening of a call for applications to the Enterprise Ireland’s Innovators’ Initiative

Enterprise Ireland is pleased to announce the launch of a competitive call for applications to the Innovators’ Initiative: Pioneering Smart Futures 2023-2029, formerly known as the Needs Led Training Initiative. Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) based in the Republic of Ireland are cordially invited to submit applications for funding in accordance with the Innovators’ Initiative Call Guidance Document and using the Application Form. All RPO applicants must comply with the relevant EU regulations as outlined in the Innovators’ Initiative Call Guidance Document and Application Form. Failure to do so will render the application ineligible for funding.

This programme will be co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union under the ERDF Southern, Eastern and Midland Regional Programme 2021-27 and the ERDF Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-27. The Innovators’ Initiative will support the following ERDF objectives:

  • Policy Objective 1: A more competitive and smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity
  • Specific Objective: Developing and enhancing research & innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies


The objective of the Innovators’ Initiative is to create a series of multi-year training programmes. Each programme will be hosted in Irish publicly funded RPOs, delivering highly qualified innovation champions with the necessary skillset to observe and identify market led opportunities in key sectors of national and regional importance in Ireland.

Eligibility of Applications

The Initiative is open to publicly funded RPOs based in the Republic of Ireland.

Ineligible applicants: Individual companies, clusters of companies or sectoral representative bodies cannot apply directly for funding nor are they eligible for direct funding via the programme budget.

Geographic Regions Covered

The Enterprise Ireland Innovators’ Initiative is co-funded by two ERDF Regional Programmes. Eligible institutions will be co-funded according to their location within the relevant programme area.

  • Southern, Eastern & Midland Programme Area
  • Northern & Western Programme Area

Total Amount of Support  

The total budget for supports available is €30 million, of which €19.6m is funded through the Southern, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-27 and €5.9m is funded through the Northern & Western Regional Programme 2021-27. The ERDF co-funding is 40% for projects in the Southern, Eastern and Midlands Region and 60% for the Northern and Western Region. Additional funding was also made available from the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment totalling €4.3m. Contracts will last up to seven years.

Call Start and End Dates

The call start date is 23rd February 2023. The end date and deadline for applications is 12pm (noon) on Monday the 17th of April 2023. Any applications received after this time will not be eligible.

Application Process

The application should include an electronic copy (in MS Word format and pdf) signed by relevant persons in the Host RPO. The electronic copy should be sent to by the deadline.

An online briefing workshop on the application and assessment process for the Innovators’ Initiative will be held soon after the call is launched. This will include a Q&A session where we hope to answer any queries you may have. We strongly recommend that you attend this workshop. FAQs to support your application submission will be available following the workshop.

Following on from the receipt of your applications, you may be invited to meet an assessment panel to discuss your application in further detail in a Q&A session hosted by Enterprise Ireland.

To learn more about the Innovators’ Initiative, contact us:

Download the call guidance documentation

Download the application form

Opening of a call for applications to the Enterprise Ireland KT Boost Programme

Enterprise Ireland invites applications from HEIs for funding under the Knowledge Transfer (KT) Boost Programme. Applications should be made in accordance with Programme Guidelines and using the Application Form.  Please advise if you wish to avail of content in an accessibly format.

The KT Boost Programme is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Southern, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-27 and the ERDF Northern & Western Regional Programme 2021-27.  As such, all applicants must comply with the relevant EU regulations as outlined in the Guidelines and Application Form. Failure to do so will render the application ineligible for funding.

Geographic Regions Covered

The KT Boost Programme is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union under two ERDF Regional Programmes – the Southern, Eastern and Midland Regional Programme 2021-2027 and the Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-2027 and will support the following Policy Objective and Specific Objective under each Regional Programme:

Policy Objective – PO1 A more competitive and smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity.

Specific Objective – RSO1.1 Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies.

Eligibility of Applications

The Programme is open to applications from existing Technological Universities (including designate technological universities) and Universities.

The Atlantic Technological University and University of Galway are the only eligible applicants in the Northern and Western Region. Technological University Dublin, Munster Technological University, South East Technological University, Technological University of the Shannon: Midland Midwest, University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin City University, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Maynooth University, University College Cork and University of Limerick are eligible in the Southern, Eastern and Midland Region.

Total Amount of Support

The total budget for supports available for the four year programme is €33.4 million, of which €12.37million is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The ERDF co-financing is broken down as €3.2milion for beneficiaries located in the Northern and Western Region with an additional €2.14m coming from the State and €9.17 million for beneficiaries located in the Southern, Eastern and Midland Region with an additional €18.88m coming from the State.

Call Start and End Dates

The call start date is 23rd February 2023. The end date and deadline for applications is noon on 24th March 2023. Any applications received after this time will not be eligible.

Application Process

The deadline for applications is noon on 24th March 2023.  Any applications received after this time will not be eligible.  The application should include an electronic copy (in MS Word forward, not pdf) signed by the relevant persons in the host institution.

The electronic copy should be sent to by the deadline.

If you have any queries on the application process, please contact

€19m in Funding Opportunities Unveiled for Innovators and Researchers in Northern and Western Region

The Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Simon Coveney TD,, in collaboration with Enterprise Ireland, has launched two new funding programs, Innovators Initiative and KT Boost, aimed at supporting Irish innovators and researchers.  

These programs have a total regional funding of over €19M and are co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) which aims to promote economic, social and territorial cohesion across all European regions.   

The Managing Authorities for the ERDF in Ireland are the Northern & Western Regional Assembly and the Southern Regional Assembly. 

Innovators Initiative 

The Innovators Initiative is designed to develop five immersive, needs-led innovation training programs, with a regional budget of €5.04m allocated for the Northern and Western Region.  

This training will attract high calibre individuals and inter-disciplinary teams who, through their immersion and identification of needs in these environments – via the use of a design methodology – will be supported to generate new product and process ideas, new IP and in some cases, supported to create of high-potential-startups (HPSUs). On completion of a programme, participants can return to their sectors with the accrued benefits of their new skills and training or can form new start-up teams.  

The Innovators’ Initiative programmes will be hosted in Irish publicly funded Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) – mainly third level institutions – or within a consortia of RPOs. Applications are now being sought from publicly funded RPOs from areas of sectoral importance to Ireland.  

Successfully awarded programmes will each focus on a specific sector of national or regional importance and will augment the industrial strength and research capability of the region in which the programme is to be based.  

KT Boost 

The KT Boost program is a four-year knowledge transfer funding program focused on increasing research commercialization outcomes in Irish universities and technological universities, with a regional budget of €14.4m allocated for the Northern and Western Region.  

KT Boost will be managed by Knowledge Transfer Ireland (KTI), on behalf of Enterprise Ireland and the ERDF. KTI is the national office responsible for making the process of engaging with public research and of research commercialisation more simple and straightforward. It helps business to benefit from access to Irish expertise and technology by making it easier to connect and engage with the research base in Ireland. 

KT Boost will focus on bolstering capacity and capability within the Knowledge Transfer Offices, also known as Technology Transfer Offices at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) so as to further support knowledge transfer activities, outputs and performance.  The programme succeeds the Enterprise Ireland Technology Transfer Strengthening Initiative (TTSI) – which has run since 2007 – and invested more than €88million into the development and strengthening of Ireland’s knowledge transfer and research commercialisation system, to date. 

Simon Coveney TD, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, said: “These two new funding programmes, which are worth €63M combined, signal a major vote of confidence for both innovation and research in Ireland. We have a very strong and well-earned reputation for our capabilities in research, innovation and knowledge transfer, and this will enable us to build further on that success.

I very much welcome that the funding programmes will be targeted both nationally and regionally at sectors and organisations, where growth will be identified and subsequently supported and generated. I would like to acknowledge the important role of the ERDF in co-funding these initiatives alongside the Government.”

Marina Donohue, Head of Research and Innovation at Enterprise Ireland, said: “These funding programmes build on the extensive range of Enterprise Ireland supports already available for Irish research, innovation and knowledge transfer. The programmes will enable those active in this space to investigate, establish and develop new ideas. Both initiatives will accelerate the development of innovation capability in Irish enterprise across all regions and we look forward to supporting the projects involved.”

Donal Gilroy, chairperson of the Northern and Western Regional Assembly’s SPA North Committee, welcomed the two new funding schemes, which are part of a €217 million investment in the Northern and Western Region, co-funded by the ERDF and the Irish Government. He stated that these schemes will contribute towards developing a smarter, more competitive North and West of Ireland.

Overall, the two funding programs are worth €63M nationally and represent a significant investment in research, innovation, and knowledge transfer in Ireland.