The agricultural sector accounts for almost 10% of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU, mainly for food production and transport. While there is an enormous potential to produce renewable energy on farms due to the availability of wind, sun, biomass and agricultural waste, important barriers and challenges still remain.

Recent studies have proven that the main barriers identified by farmers to produce renewable energy are: complex permits and subsidies’ procedures, high investment costs, limited access to credit and doubts about profitability. Subsidies and feed-in tariffs are a key factor in encouraging farmers to shift towards a more environmentally friendly production and use of energy.

The EU’s rural development policy helps the rural areas meet economic, environmental and social challenges, and it shares objectives with other ESIF funds. MS and regions draw up their rural development programmes based on the needs of their territories and addressing some of the common EU priorities. At least 30% of funding for each RDP must be dedicated to measures relevant for the environment and climate change.

The main objective is to develop measures that encourage the production and use of RE in the agricultural and rural sector. AgroREs will support this sector by solving its energy needs in a sustainable, economically viable and socially responsible way.


5 Structural Funds improved with more than 3,8 M€ influenced
2 regional Funds improved with 1,4 M€ influenced
More than 100 people with increased professional capacity
37 policy learning events
1 guide on good practices to promote investments of RE in agricultural areas
7 self-assessment documents to analyze the situation of RE in agriculture and define the best solutions and technologies for implementation
7 action plans to improve 7 policy instruments


Project start date: 
Project end date2023-01-31 
Project status: 

Total budget: €1,540,286.00


  1. Extremadura Energy Agency, AGENEX (Spain)
  2. Lubelskie Voivodeship (Poland)
  3. Devon County Council (UK)
  4. Regional Council of North Karelia (Finland)
  5. Fomento San SebastianBasque Country – (Spain)
  6. Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (Romania)
  7. ARSIAL (Italy)
  8. Institute of Technology, Sligo (Ireland)
  9. Northern and Western Regional Assembly (Ireland)